
Dear customers, if you have any problems or questions you can call our technical support team or write an SMS to number 212 343 353, 212 343 352, 212 343 346. You can call on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00. Out of working hours, please write us an SMS on number 777 343 355. 

You can also send us an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and describe what you need. We believe that you will be satisfied with our services.

JStel Team


New bank account for recharge credits and payments for invoices of J.S.Tel s.r.o.:

account: 7329419001 / 5500, Raiffeisen Bank.

Tarrifs and prices


You can find current prices of calls and additional services here.
